French Reflexive Verbs – Exercises


The present indicative tense

Comment: This one is a bit tricky. There is already a verb (pouvez/pouvoir) before the reflexive one (se dépêcher). In this case, we dont have to conjugate the reflexive version, we’ll use the infinitive (infinitive: not conjugated).

Le passé composé

There are many useful reflexive verbs in French. I would say that it’s quite easy to learn the pronouns for the present indicative tense.

There is only one “extra” thing to remember:

  • Je me reveille
  • Je me douche

However, there are more things to remember for le passé composé:

  • Je me suis réveillé: I woke up.
  • Je me suis douché: I showered.

The je-pronoun is easy to remember. Why? We usually like to talk about ourselves :-).

However, from personal experience, it’s difficult to remember the nous and vous-form:

  • Nous nous sommes réveillés : We woke up.
  • Vous vous êtes réveillés: You woke up.

Thus, I would suggest that you put extra time with these pronouns.

Like I said before, there are many things to remember, and the reflexive verbs are very common. Thus, it will be worth your time J.

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